Tori Jarrell

Operations Manager

Staff Member since 2015
Operations Manager

Personally speaking:
Born and raised in Northwest Arkansas; lives in Fayetteville at the Lightbearers apartments, Bachelor of Arts in International Relations with an emphasis in Peoples and Cultures/Latin American Studies/Spanish (University of Arkansas)

Getting to Know Tori
Q: When/how did you become involved with Lightbearers?

A: When I was in college, a co-worker of mine first introduced me to Lightbearers. After looking into their ministry more, I decided to give their discipleship program a try. Over the next two years, I grew in my faith, built long-lasting friendships, and had a better understanding of the church and missions through Lightbearers.

After I had completed an internship following graduation, Brett Arent approached me shortly after I had arrived back in Northwest Arkansas and told me about an opportunity to be involved in Lightbearers as a staff member. I was thrilled to be able to pour back into a ministry that had invested in me as a college student and I’m thankful to continue to be a part of their team today!

Q: What excites you most about the Lightbearers vision?

A: It would probably be seeing how members of the residential communities interact with and care for one another. I’ve never experienced an apartment community like this one where people from various backgrounds, income levels, and life stages know their neighbors deeply and seek to help one another grow. It’s honestly been a chance to learn how to “love your neighbor” right where you live.

Q: What has been the most influential book you've read this past year and why?

A: While I had first read it prior to this year, I re-read “The Hiding Place” as an encouragement during all the chaos and unknown during 2020. And it truly was an encouragement to me! In the book, one is able to see how Corrie faces difficult and terrible circumstances but continues to faithfully follow the Lord and grow in her walk with him. There are subtle but powerful lessons scattered throughout her story.

Q: How do you like to spend your time when you're not working?

A: I have always loved reading, so you can more than likely catch me reading a book on any given day. In addition to that, I love traveling or exploring new places. I also like cooking, cross-stitching, hiking, or playing games with friends or family.