Micro Loan Program

Micro Loan Program

Amount Funded: $4,000 This Central Asia partner was given $4,000 to establish a micro loan program for local believers who are engaged in church planting work, allowing them to start small businesses and gain credibility in the community.
Updating Sabbath School Materials

Updating Sabbath School Materials

Amount Funded: $5,000 A Middle East partner was given $5,000 to update Sabbath school materials. They are seeing new generations come to faith and believe getting relevant and solid text in front of them is crucial to their spiritual formation.
Camping Supplies for Cultural Tourism Business

Camping Supplies for Cultural Tourism Business

Amount Funded: $2,553 A partner in Southeast Asia was given $2,553 to expand his tourism business by adding a wilderness element to attract tourists into a local area to build relationships.
Sign Language Dictionary Printing

Sign Language Dictionary Printing

Amount Funded: $3,035 A South Asia partner was given $3,035 for the printing of a sign language dictionary, providing the deaf community with a way to read the Bible, which is currently being translated for this language.